Helping You Find The Right Financial Solutions For Today And Tomorrow. When it comes to planning for your financial future, life can be full of unexpected twists and turns. Wherever your road takes you, we can help you create the roadmap for your financial future. We begin with a financial review. Our representatives offer financial products and services to develop financial strategies for the accumulation and protection of wealth for you, your family, and your business. Helping You Move Confidently Toward Your Financial Goals. It is our mission to provide quality financial guidance, to build relationships of trust, and to develop innovative strategies that can help you achieve your dreams. From retirement planning and business succession to providing for your family's future, we will find a way to move you closer to your financial goals. Michigan Financial Companies, a member of Royal Alliance Associates, Inc., has been helping business owners realize their financial goals for over 30 years. Royal Alliance Associates, Inc. is a nationally recognized financial services organization with offices across the U.S. Resources Dedicated To Achieving Your Individual Objectives: We offer solutions that help you make the most of your income earning capacity and make that income work for you, including: